Serialization Acceleration (Not Necessary)

PARL uses the cloudpickle library by default for data serialization and deserialization [In xparl, data is transmitted in the form of a serialized byte stream]; If the pyarrow library is in the Python environment, the pyarrow library will be used for serialization and deserialization (due to pyarrow’s compatibility, PARL will not download the library by default).

Under different scenarios, pyarrow and cloudpickle have their advantages and disadvantages, users can choose among these libraries base on the need. In general, the serialization protocol that comes with python3.8+ can meet the needs of most scenarios.

Performance Comparison

As reference, here is the average time taken for serialization and deserialization using pyarrow and cloudpickle on different testing data.

  • testing data 1: data = [np.random.RandomState(0).randn(50, 50)] * 10

  • testing data 2: data = [np.random.RandomState(0).randn(500, 500)] * 10

  • testing data 3: data = [np.random.RandomState(0).randn(5000, 5000)] * 10

  • testing data 4: data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(5000, 50000)

> pyarrow version: python2: pyarrow==0.16.0,python3: pyarrow==2.0.0

../_images/dataset2.png ../_images/dataset4.png


  • When serializing/deserializing large Numpy matrix, pyarrow perform better than cloudpickle

  • Using python>=3.8 can improve the serializing/deserializing performance. (Mainly because pickle is updated in python>=3.8, it now supports protocol=5)