Model, Algorithm, Agent


In the previous tutorial, we quickly demonstrate three basic blocks of PARL: Model, Algorithm, Agent, and use these basic blocks to construct final Cartpole Agent interacting with the environment. Now, in this tutorial, we will introduce in detail the specific positioning of each module, as well as the usage specifications.


  • Definition: Model defines Forward Network, it is usually a Policy Network or a Value Function Network. The current environment status (State) is the input to the Network.

  • ⚠️Warning: customized Model has to inherit parl.Model.

  • Methods that must be implemented:
    • forward: define computation of Forward Network according to components in __init__.

  • Remarks: Implementation of Target Network is easy in PARL using copy.deepcopy.

  • Examples:

import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
import parl
import copy

class CartpoleModel(parl.Model):

    def __init__(self, obs_dim, act_dim):

        super(CartpoleModel, self).__init__()

        hid1_size = act_dim * 10
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(obs_dim, hid1_size)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hid1_size, act_dim)
        self.tanh = nn.Tanh()
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax()

    def forward(self, x):

        out = self.tanh(self.fc1(x))
        prob = self.softmax(self.fc2(out))

        return prob

if __name__ == '__main__:
    model = CartpoleModel()
    target_model = copy.deepcopy(model)


  • Definition: Algorithm will update the parameters of the Model passed to it. In general, we define the loss function in Algorithm. Each Algorithm contains at least one Model.

  • ⚠️Warning: it is recommended to directly import PARL’s implementations of Algorithms.

  • Methods that must be implemented:
    • learn: using training data (observations, rewards, actions, etc.) to update parameters in Model.

    • predict: using current observation to predict the current action distribution or action value function.

  • Examples:

model = CartpoleModel(act_dim=2)
algorithm = parl.algorithms.PolicyGradient(model, lr=1e-3)


  • Definition: Agent is used to interact with the environment to generate training data. The training data is then passed to Algorithm to update the parameters of Model. It also handles data preprocessing.

  • ⚠️Warning: customized Agent has to inherit parl.Agent and call parent class’s __init__ method inside its constructor.

  • Methods that must be implemented:
    • learn: using training data (observations, rewards, actions, etc.) to update parameters in Model.

    • predict: return a predicted action based on current observation, this function is often used for evaluation and deployment of the Agent.

    • sample: return a sampled action based on current observation, this function is often used in training to help the Agent explore the observation space.

  • Examples:

class CartpoleAgent(parl.Agent):

    def __init__(self, algorithm):

        super(CartpoleAgent, self).__init__(algorithm)

    def sample(self, obs):

        obs = paddle.to_tensor(obs, dtype='float32')
        prob = self.alg.predict(obs)
        prob = prob.numpy()
        act = np.random.choice(len(prob), 1, p=prob)[0]

        return act

    def predict(self, obs):

        obs = paddle.to_tensor(obs, dtype='float32')
        prob = self.alg.predict(obs)
        act = prob.argmax().numpy()[0]

        return act

    def learn(self, obs, act, reward):

        act = np.expand_dims(act, axis=-1)
        reward = np.expand_dims(reward, axis=-1)
        obs = paddle.to_tensor(obs, dtype='float32')
        act = paddle.to_tensor(act, dtype='int32')
        reward = paddle.to_tensor(reward, dtype='float32')

        loss = self.alg.learn(obs, act, reward)

        return loss.numpy()[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    model = CartpoleModel()
    alg = parl.algorithms.PolicyGradient(model, lr=1e-3)
    agent = CartpoleAgent(alg, obs_dim=4, act_dim=2)